
Carnivore-Based Challenge - Day 4 Upper Body

5 rounds:

a) 10 Pull-ups - Pull-ups are a compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups including the latissimus dorsi (lats), biceps, and forearms. It is one of the best exercises to work on your upper back and is a great way to build upper body strength and mass.

b) 10 Bent-over rows (using a barbell) - Bent-over rows are a compound exercise that work on the upper and mid-back muscles, specifically the latissimus dorsi, trapezius and rhomboids. It also works on the biceps and forearms as secondary muscles. This exercise is a great way to build a strong and defined upper back.

10x10 Shoulder press (using dumbbells) - The shoulder press is a compound exercise that targets the shoulders, specifically the deltoid muscle. It also works on the triceps and upper chest as secondary muscles. This exercise is a great way to build strong and defined shoulders.

a) 5x12-15 Barbell bicep curls - Barbell bicep curls are an isolation exercise that targets the biceps. This exercise is a great way to build bigger and stronger biceps.

b) 5x12-15 Upright rows (using a barbell) - Upright rows are a compound exercise that targets the shoulders, specifically the deltoid muscle and the trapezius. This exercise is a great way to build strong and defined shoulders.

10x10 Dips (using parallel bars or dip station) - Dips are a compound exercise that targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. This exercise is a great way to build upper body strength and muscle mass.

5x12-15 Close-grip bench press (using a barbell) - Close-grip bench press is a compound exercise



Carnivore-Based Challenge Day 3 - Lower Body

5 rounds of

a) 10 Bulgarian split squats (using dumbbells) - Bulgarian split squats are a compound exercise that works on the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core. This exercise is a great way to build lower body strength, power, and muscle mass.

b) 10 Romanian Deadlifts (using a barbell) - Romanian Deadlifts are a compound exercise that works on the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This exercise is a great way to build lower body strength and muscle mass.

10x10 lunges (100 reps total) - Lunges are a compound exercise that works on the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core. This exercise is a great way to build lower body strength and muscle mass and improve balance and stability.

a) 5x12-15 Dumbbell step-ups (using a bench or a box and dumbbells) - Step-ups are a compound exercise that works on the quadriceps, glutes, and core. This exercise is a great way to build lower body strength and muscle mass.

b) 5x12-15 Dumbbell calf raises (using dumbbells) - Calf raises are isolation exercises that work on the calf muscles. This exercise is a great way to build strong and defined calf muscles.

30 min walk - Walking is a low-impact cardio exercise that helps to improve cardiovascular fitness, aid in recovery, and burn calories. This 30-min walk is a great way to finish the workout and help the body recover from the strength training exercises.


Carnivore-Based 30 Day Challenge Day 2


Carnivore-Based 30 Day Challenge Day 2

5 rounds

10 push ups

10 Air Squats (hell elevated)

10x10 Bench Press (100 reps total)

a) 5x15-25 Tricep rope push downs

b) 5x20-25 Hammer curls

100 Tricep overhead extensions (Individual DB’s each side)

30 min walk


5*15*2022 Hamstrings For Knee Health!


5*15*2022 Hamstrings For Knee Health!

Warm Up:

a) 5x10 6” Step Ups w/ constant tension on the loaded foot. The free leg will remain in front of the loaded leg with toes in dorsiflexion.

b) 5x10 Standing Leg Curls. Perform each repetition slowly during the eccentric.


  1. 5x2 Front Squats, Increasing load each set ultimately working towards a heavy double.

  2. 4x5 Deadlifts, perform off of a block or pin, barbell loaded mid-shin or weights at 4” elevation.

  3. a) 5x12 Glute Ham Raise (GHR) or Nordic Leg Curls w/ bands assisting.

    b) 5x15-20 Leg Curls

  4. a) 3x12 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats, Puts more emphasis on the knee joint essentially working more Quadraceps during the squat

    b) 3x20-25 Leg Extensions, Keeping it moderate on the weight, just enough to reach the 20-25 rep range.

    c) 3x15 Knees to Chest, Hanging from a pull-up bar

  5. 3 minutes total Plank at your own body weight.

    #StrengthFirst #StrongerIsAlwaysBetter


05*11*2022 - NICE AND EASY... LEG DAY.


05*11*2022 - NICE AND EASY... LEG DAY.

Todays session was a lighter load. Although the sets, reps, and exercises seem minimal, we really got in some great work here.

Warm up:
100 belt squats (light)


  1. 5x3 Front Squats

  2. a) 3x5 Front Squats

    b) 3x10-15 Step-ups

  3. a) 3x15 Glute Ham Raise

    b) 3x15-20 Single Leg Curls

  4. 150-200 Leg Extensions (heavy)

  5. 100 Face-Pulls Banded
