5 rounds of
a) 10 Bulgarian split squats (using dumbbells) - Bulgarian split squats are a compound exercise that works on the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core. This exercise is a great way to build lower body strength, power, and muscle mass.
b) 10 Romanian Deadlifts (using a barbell) - Romanian Deadlifts are a compound exercise that works on the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This exercise is a great way to build lower body strength and muscle mass.
10x10 lunges (100 reps total) - Lunges are a compound exercise that works on the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core. This exercise is a great way to build lower body strength and muscle mass and improve balance and stability.
a) 5x12-15 Dumbbell step-ups (using a bench or a box and dumbbells) - Step-ups are a compound exercise that works on the quadriceps, glutes, and core. This exercise is a great way to build lower body strength and muscle mass.
b) 5x12-15 Dumbbell calf raises (using dumbbells) - Calf raises are isolation exercises that work on the calf muscles. This exercise is a great way to build strong and defined calf muscles.
30 min walk - Walking is a low-impact cardio exercise that helps to improve cardiovascular fitness, aid in recovery, and burn calories. This 30-min walk is a great way to finish the workout and help the body recover from the strength training exercises.